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Not much help in trying to find real estate in Clinton County
Dan Abrams, St. Louis, MI USA at Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 18:05:10 (CET)
I want to be a model
Mary, USA at Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 22:10:40 (CET)
Born and raised in Escanaba, graduate of MTU. We visit "home" frequently and are delighted to come across this site.
Wendy Larson, Cedar Rapids, IA USA at Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 17:02:57 (CET)
I love upper Michigan, every year my husband and I try to take a vacation to Sault Ste. Marie. Once we are there we then travel around to other parts of Michigan, Just beautiful.
kim Nyitrai, toledo, oh USA at Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 06:36:59 (CET)
Your site is okay for some things, but not what I need. I was searching for info on any of the tip-ups Michigan has. There are several, but the only one that gets advertised seems to be Houghton's. Why is that???
Stacy, USA at Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 00:23:56 (CET)
it would be nice to have links to the places I was looking for driving schools and know names (what you offered) but needed more info.
angel heaven, USA at Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 21:52:52 (CET)
JANET MARINO, NEW HAVEN, MIM USA at Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 01:27:51 (CET)
I'm very pleased with the outlook of on line realestate investing
gary wcislo, clarkston, mi USA at Monday, January 24, 2000 at 03:59:38 (CET)
What a graet state.
Richard Leonard, Lawrence, Michigan USA at Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 21:56:17 (CET)
Nice site: Would be nice if the campgrounds who have e-mail would list there address so we could contact them for more information and possible reservations.
DCHall, Hudsonville, MI USA at Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 19:55:16 (EST)
It brought back alot of memories going through the Michigan Web. I was born in Detroit and lived for 13 years in Warren and Port Austin. I went through some of the stuff on the Wed with my grandchildren. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES!!!!! From: ALWAYS A MICHIGANDER.
Everett Eonant, Jr., Corona, Ca USA at Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 15:09:12 (EST)
I like your page I guess, but you really should get something on The ANN ARBOR ICE DOGS cause their good. Thanks
Shawna, Big Rapids, MI USA at Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 11:07:43 (EST)
Your site helped so much! Thanx a million! :)
Emily, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI USA at Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 21:50:15 (EST)
Nice web Site !!!
Susan Blair, Sterling, MI USA at Monday, January 17, 2000 at 04:34:56 (CET)
Your site is interesting. I may be interested in advertising. 734-975-2500
ChipsAway by Daveco Inc., Ann Arbor, MI USA at Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 01:37:55 (CET)
I teach Med-Surg nursing in an LPN vocational program.I am looking to move back to cold country and am inquiring about a job.I love the upper peninsula.
Denise Helmkay, Tucson, Arizona USA at Friday, January 14, 2000 at 03:16:37 (CET)
Love your web-site, it will be a big help for planning vacations-Thanks!
Aileen Evans, Dearborn Heights, mi USA at Friday, January 14, 2000 at 00:48:35 (CET)
please forward any info you have,,,,,all is welcome
Robert Mott, Midland, MI USA at Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 03:45:53 (CET)
This Web Site I found really helped me out! I think it's great for somebody to find what they need!
Tina Stewart, Harrison Twp., MI USA at Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 02:40:55 (CET)
I am looking for information on Figure skating clubs in the early 1940's. I can be reached at [email protected]
Mary Jo Beniger, Sheboygan, WI USA at Monday, January 10, 2000 at 08:36:34 (CET)
You have a nice website even Though I was not able to find any Middle schools.You see we might move to Sault Ste Marie and I was looking at what kind of Middle schools there are Anyway I liked your website alot.C-YA LATER
SMB, MIAMI, FL USA at Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 21:42:19 (CET)
2-Questions. 1. Do you have a calendar of events in Michigan & how often is it updated. 2. How would I advertise my Real Estate web site & how effective is it?.
Lan Lozon, Harrison Township, Mi USA at Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 12:40:04 (CET)
I lived on Dexter Trail many years ago. I am glad to see you have a website.
Jean Zielke, USA at Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 02:22:46 (CET)
Thanks! It was really helpful.
Jill B, Christchurch, New Zealand at Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 08:44:14 (CET)
nice page
paul potesta, lake city, mi USA at Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 01:17:46 (CET)
Originally from Sault Ste. Marie area. Missing the U.P. for the holidays. Nothing like a white x-mas.
Amy Bennin, San Diego, CA USA at Saturday, January 01, 2000 at 17:52:30 (CET)