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Montmorency county map

Size: 555 Square Miles
Elevation: 700-1300 Feet
Physiography: Hill-Lands, Rolling Plains
Growing Season: 80-120 days
Annual Precipitation: 28-29 inches
Average Snowfall: 70-90 inches
Forest Type: Aspen-Birch, Oak-Hickory, Maple-Beech-Hemlock
Fall Colors: Late September - Early October

The dense forest of Montmorency County allowed logging towns to prosper. At one time there were nine post offices, today there are three. The county has many resorts and campgrounds. Famous for Michigan Elk herds wit about five to six hundred remaining. Each year in Lewiston the archery festival is held in the summer.

Atlanta (49709) Avery Bigelow
Donnely Hillman (49746) Lewiston (49756)
Royston Vienna blank

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